Here at TGR…
GameStop’s check-out policy may be illegal
Gamestop has always been subject to some criticism, but now they may be in legal trouble.
Editorial: Is GT REALLY Coming to the PC?
Gran Turismo, one of Sony’s big hitters, has been rumored to come to the PC, and TGR examines the validity of the rumors.
Perfect Dark Could be Coming to XBLA
Many popular titles have landed on XBLA, and now it looks like Perfect Dark could be headed that way.
Rumor Killers: Lost Planet 2 PS3? Killzone 2 Co-op coming? GRAW 3 in September?
TGR brings you the latest rumors, and how likely it is they’ll come true.
In other news around the WWW…
Killzone 2 DLC Announced
According to last night’s GameTrailers TV episode, Killzone 2 DLC is on its way in the form of a multi-player map.
The multi-player map pack has been named “Steel and Titanium,” and it will feature a total of 2 maps. Steel takes place on two freight trains where players will hop back and forth between trains to annahialate their opponents. The other map, Titanium, will take place on an attack cruiser with just as much mayhem.
The map pack will be released by the end of April.
BioShock 2 Gameplay Video Released
2K Games has decided to bless us with a video of BioShock 2 action. The video is two minutes long, and features some of the gameplay of the game. Well, not much more to say, except “DRINK IT IN!”
Final Fantasy VII Finally Hits PSN
Final Fantasy VII, one of the most popular PlayStation games, has hit the Japanese PSN allowing it to be downloaded by both PS3 and PSP systems.
The original game came out in 1997 for the Sony PlayStation, and on the PC later on. Fans have wanted a Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3, since the tech demo appeared. But for now, Final Fantasy fans will just have to enjoy this updated version of Final Fantasy VII.
It should also be mentioned that there has been no news on when Final Fantasy will be released for the US PSN. Sorry US gamers!
Shadow of the Colossus, The Movie
Most gamers agree that Shadow of the Colossus was a great game, but do you think it would make a great film?
Justin Marks, screenwriter for the recent Street Fighter film, commented on why the game could be successful as a movie. He said most games have had a hard time turning into movies because its hard to find the right game. He went on to say that it helps this game because the character development is so sparse, it would be easy to start building it right away.
For more information, check out the Hollywood Reporter official website.