Today on TGR…
Game Based on The Flash Revealed, Promptly Cancelled
We muse about whether or not this was a good or bad idea. The community certainly thinks is was a mercy kill.
Rumor Killers
Bioshock 2 on Wii? Surely you jest… However, we think this one might have a kernel of truth.
Very British Gamer
Today Sinan discusses the potential buyout of Eidos by JRPG masters Square Enix.
Halo Wars Taken Over by Robot
Robot Entertainment revealed itself today as a new studio forged of the corpse of another.
In other news…

Blizzcon 2009 Announced
Blizzcon 2008 left thousands of Blizzfans sulking after the event sold out in mere hours, leaving the unlucky masses to stare in envy of the special SWAG of the attendees.
This year will likely be no different.This year on August 21 and 22nd the Anaheim Convention Center will be assaulted by the B-O of tens of thousands of Blizzard faithful. Salt on the wounds this year will come in the form of an almost guaranteed announcement of Blizzard’s new MMO.
Starcraft 2 Nearing Completion
How close is it? Well we can’t say for sure, but some folks at Blizzard made some notes on their community that give us a clue as to how close the game truly is to completion. They shied away from setting concrete dates, or even predictions out of a desire to keep from letting down the fans.
However, they did say that “unless something crazy happens” we’ll be seeing a multiplayer beta for the game open up at some point during 2009.
Fallout 3 Tops Most Requested Gamefly Games
Cheapskate gamers the world over have sounded off, and their voice was made clear. More gamers requested Fallout 3 from Gamefly than any other game released last year. The list compiles data from their uses “Game Q” and crowned one game the most desired of the year.
Notables: PS3–Metal Gear Solid IV; Wii–Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Midway Staves Off the Executioner
A court ruled today to allow Midway to continue using its current money to continue functioning as normal, and to pay off certain retailers. This is critical for Midway since they will now be allowed to continue to have a source of potential revenue rather than being forced to pass out whatever cash they had left and start over.
Rumor has it they will be selling the Wheelman license to Ubisoft to raise capitol to continue functioning. If Midway can produce anymore success stories on the level of Marvel vs DCU then they may just make it out of this mess alive.

UK Sales Charts Revealed for the Week
Did you see them last week with Wii Fit owning the entire industry? Well yeah, nothing has changed. However, Fear 2 has come out with a strong showing, but it’s certainly nothing that is going to dethrone the unstoppable for of the Wii Fit craze.
Notable on the list is the number two game, Mystery Case Files: Millionheir for the Nintendo DS. Heh…didn’t see that one coming.
E3 is BACK!
We knew that E3 was going to be attempting to regain the lost glory, and abandon the ridiculously low-key version from 2007 and 2008. However, now we know they’re serious.
“But is it going to be the over-the-top excess that you’ve seen in years past? No – but that goes back to learning what is manageable and what is sustainable, and hearing from attendees what it is they want, and creating something that meets their needs.”
Come on, but tell us all what we’re truly wondering…are the booth babes coming back? Judging from their tone, my guess is “No.”