Today on TGR…
Bargain Bin
Stew Shearer gives us the update on the best deals throughout the gaming world.
Battlefield 1943 Interview
At Comic Con this year TGR managed to get an interview with the developers of the title to get all of the information we can get for this highly anticipated sequel.
Nintendo Launches New Secret Project
Nintendo has launched a studio called Project Sora, and the studio will be producing a new Nintendo game. Not many details have been released about the new game, but the director has been announced. Masahiro Sakurai will be at the helm of the new project. You may know him from a little series called Super Smash Bros.
Project Sora currently has 30 employees, and is still looking for artists, designers, etc. The project is going to be located in the Idabashi part of Tokyo, and the project is set to start in May of this year.

Nintendo DSi is dated for U.S.
Nintendo of America is set to release the newest version of the DS, Nintendo DSi, on April 5th of this year.
The Nintendo DSi will have a whole set of new features as well as some losses. The DSi will have a 0.3 megapixel camera on the external part of the system, and another camera on the internal hinge. The DSi will have a smaller body, an SD card slot, larger screens, another brightness setting, and more. The DSi also had to lose some things to be able to house all these features. The new DSi loses its Game Boy Advance slot, where you could play GBA games and use GBA slot accessories. The life of the battery has also been reduced.
Some other positives come from the software side of the DSi. It will house DSi Camera, software application in which you can manipulate your pictures. DSi shop, think Wii Shop channel for the DS. This allows DSi owners to browse and purchase games and other software applications for their DSi. The system will also have DSi Sound, which allows users to listen to music from their SD cards.
Midway Update: Allowed to continue Operations
Midway has been suffering from financial woes, and filed for bankruptcy last week. Now, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court is going to allow Midway to use its remaining money to continue business as usual. To put it simply, they will allow Midway to “maintain ongoing operations.”
“Approval of these motions is an important first step in this planned and orderly reorganization, enabling Midway to continue to operate as usual during this process,” said chairman and CEO Matt Booty, as reported by
Infernal Engine: Next step up for the Nex-Gen Consoles?
As most of you know, Ghostbusters for 360 and PS3 is set to release later this year. What most of you may not know is the game is run on the Infernal Game Engine.
Blend games reported that the technology will be shown off at the DICE conference in Red Rock, Nevada between February 17 to February 20. But what is so special about this engine? Well, it seems to be a good thing for cross platform games for the new generation of consoles and the PC.
According to the press release, “The Infernal Engine offers excellent cross platform support and is compatible with all of the leading gaming systems as well as the PC.”