Today on TGR…
The Good, The Bad, and The Shipping March 8 – 15
Check out the list of games hitting stores this week and pretend, just for a second, that you care slightly about something that isn’t Resident Evil 5.
MadWorld is exciting, right guys? Guys?
BITMAPS 68: Where Skate It and Fallout 3 Find Common Ground
And no, the article isn’t about a skateboarding mod for Fallout 3. TGR writer Lawrence Sonntag examines how clever developers work with – instead of against – the technical limitations of their systems.
Killzone 2 – better than a pre-render?
The game is out and Mark Fuji put it through its paces. Can it bear the weight of the PS3’s future, or is its future Hazey? *rimshot*
And, on the rest of the internet…
Konami hiring new Metal Gear talent
Konami updated their job listings page with new positions last Friday. Found via IGN, the page requests staff for new Metal Gear related projects for portables, handhelds, and consoles.
Additional openings are listed for their bemani (music game), Winning Eleven series, and several Japanese series that have never graced these shores.
The folks at Konami have made it clear that Metal Gear will continue, even if series veteran Solid Snake will be staying at home, drinking Metamucil, and watching Wheel of Fortune. Here’s hoping the next Hideo Kojima can keep the series as spectacular as it always has been.
Burnout Paradise headed to Steam, more cars headed to consoles
Burnout Paradise will soon be on Valve’s digital distribution service for PCs, though that’s all the news that’s yet available. Burnout Paradise Producer Pete Lake’s tweet succinctly stated the above. Huzzah.
Also revealed by the same means (which is becoming a disturbing trend here), two new cars will release for the 360 / PS3 editions of Burnout Paradise this Thursday. The Carson Extreme Hotrod is reported to be the fastest car in the game in the straights, while the Hawker Mech 400 will allow players to customize the car’s performance to some degree
Pricing has yet to be announced, but if the previous cars in the game are any indication, they will cost a whole hell of a lot (approximately $5 per car).
Gradius Rebirth, Alex Kidd released on WiiWare / Virtal Console
One game a piece for Nintendo’s digital stores today. WiiWare gets Gradius Rebirth, a $10 pack of five remade Gradius levels. I don’t know which levels in particular they are, but I do know they will make you say terrible, vicious things. Virtual Console, on the other hand, gets Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars, which can warp you back to 1986 for the paltry price of $5.
Cave Story to hit WiiWare in early May
Cult favorite Cave Story is coming ever closer to its first retail release, according to a recent update in the developer’s blog. The folks at Studio Pixel are "officially in crunch mode" and hope that "you’ll be playing Cave Story by the beginning of May or even end of April."
This will provide all those people that can’t figure out how to use Google translate to find the freeware platformer and a translation. Look forward to it, you lazy bums!
Cave Story to hit WiiWare in early May
Cult favorite Cave Story is coming ever closer to its first retail release, according to a recent update in the developer’s blog. The folks at Studio Pixel are "officially in crunch mode" and hope that "you’ll be playing Cave Story by the beginning of May or even end of April."
This will provide all those people that can’t figure out how to use Google translate to find the freeware platformer and a translation. Look forward to it, you lazy bums!
Rock Band Unplugged officially announced
While the PSP iteration of Rock Band was previously mentioned, we now have official announcement of the upcoming hand held music game. Rock Band Unplugged will reportedly be similar to Harmonix’s pre-Guitar Hero music games, Frequency and Amplitude.
The game will feature several instrument tracks that, when properly played for a few measures, will fill in and play automatically. The player will gradually complete the song by filling out all the instruments.
And if you just can’t wait to break in your PSP with a good music game, recently released DJ Max Fever will train up your fingers and thumbs for some portable Rock Banding.
Killzone 2 1.20 patch live
If you’ve had crashing problems or connectivity issues, perhaps today’s patch may cure what ails you. Patch 1.20 contains a number of stability and visual glitch fixes.
I’ve heard that the Killzone is much more fun than the Crashzone or the Glitchzone. A short stay in the Patchzone isn’t too bad a price to pay, eh?