As said previously, there are certain columnist cheats and gimmicks to which I will never stoop. Such trickery is the last resort of the desperate, unintelligent writer. Dear readers, I promise you now that not only have I never sunk to such depths, but I never will. Ever.
However, driving for 27 hours in two days has softened my resolve just a tad. Don’t take this as a sign of weakness, oh no. This is merely just a placation, a tongue-in-cheek action, just this once. That in itself excuses the fact that this is a pictorial of GDC 2009.
Because, seriously, I got to go and you didn’t. So sit down, it’s time to bust out the slide projector and look at some boring ass pictures.
The view from the road. I had to stare at this for 50+ hours and so do you, damnit.
This is a rest stop in New Mexico. The sign is politely requesting that I not stand on the fountain. I stood on something in this picture; I’ll let you guess what.
By this time in the drive I was just about ready to believe this was the apocalypse made manifest.
At least all those turbines kept a nice refreshing breeze going over the road!
First day of GDC 2009. The crowd is rather sparse at this point.
A dude painting on the fly at a party. Cool stuff.
A cozy diner I stopped in for breakfast one day. The owners didn’t speak much English but sure did smile a lot.
Union square in San Francisco – I got to walk through this every day on the way to the convention center.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata laying down the hurt in his Keynote speech. Check here and here for full coverage of the presentation.
Creepiest picture of Miyamoto in existence to date.
Bioware founders Drs. Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk chatting with TGR Chief Gamer in Charge Ben Fisher. Check back this week for that interview!
A street performer tearing it up on the bowls. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how to make a living as a street performer.
An incredible graffiti mural outside Ben’s hotel.
Hideo Kojima talking up his Metal Gear game in his keynote speech.
This picture has led to several “METAL GEAR SOLID ANNOUCEMENT AT GDC 2009” stories. Don’t believe them, it was just the last slide, albeit forward-looking.
Sweet looking buildings.
You know I’ve always wanted to take pictures of the distant past without the trouble of taking a picture of the present and waiting for it to become the past.
Just stupid, stupid amounts of people.
One of the expo halls. Throngs of hopefuls choke the walkways, eagerly shaking hands and pleading for jobs.
The guys in front gave me odd looks after I took this picture.
The Blizzard booth, note the difference in line lengths.
I don’t think Celia actually looks like that.
San Francisco – where gate + closed door = trash can
More sweet looking buildings.
Sony’s very cool looking booth.
And that’s about it for GDC 2009. We’ve got tons of interviews and previews coming up from the event, so make sure you check back frequently to scope out all the coverage.