Rock Band: AC/DC on the Horizon?
Whether you enjoyed it or not, the fact remains that Activision was onto something when they released Guitar Hero: Aerosmith. The game generated more revenue for the band than any of their albums, and fans got a chance to relive a big chunk of Steven Tyler and Co.’s catalog. We’ve already heard that Guitar Hero: Metallica is in the works, so it’s just a matter of how many more bands will get the specialized treatment, and who they’re going to be.
From the sounds of things, Harmonix is not going to take this lying down, as they have already inked their first game centered on a specific band, and their debut will feature Aussie rockers AC/DC. According to the story, not only is Harmonix planning on putting out a game, but also themed t-shirts, guitar controllers, and faceplates to celebrate the occasion.
I’ve long believed it was only a matter of time before the major music franchise games began abandoning their current format in favor of band-specific fare. While we’re still getting the sporadic dose of old fashioned Rock Band or Guitar Hero gaming, it seems like now the winds are blowing toward a more band-centric experience, with certain major acts getting their own game. I can see this working for Metallica or AC/DC based on their deep catalog of hits, but how long will this remain a viable option? Are gamers really willing to shell out $60 a pop to play one band’s greatest hits time and time again?
As for the rumor itself, Kotaku seems supremely confident, though they haven’t revealed a source. So while we have no reason to believe they made this up, we can’t yet confirm this one. Still, I don’t see any reason why this won’t happen, so you can probably pencil in some sort of massive AC/DC Rock Band experience sometime next year.
TGR Verdict: Very Likely
Bungie Announcing New Halo Game Next Week?
Anyone else out there wondering what Bungie’s been up to lately? The Halo creators have been hard at work in their studios, yet eerily quiet about what’s going on behind closed doors. Now, it seems as though an "industry insider" has spilled the beans, and we can look forward to a big announcement sometime next week.
According to the story, Bungie will be unveiling their latest project at a European Microsoft event, though we’ve yet to discover what exactly it’s going to be. Right now, many in the industry are speculating that this will be the big Halo reveal that was originally scheduled for E3 but canned at the last minute. Of course, we still wait and wonder if this announcement is Halo 4, or even anything having to do with the Halo universe whatsoever. Personally, I would find it hilarious if Bungie simply came forward and stated that they were working on the new Bratz game, then you could just hear the angry fanboys chucking their plastic Master Chief helmets into the wall.
We’re taking this rumor with a fair dose of skepticism, considering the original story offers no named sources. Microsoft never comments on stories like these, so we won’t get anywhere by asking them, and Bungie is notoriously tight-lipped as well, so it seems like we’ll all just have to wait and see. I’m split right down the middle on this one, leaning ever-so-slightly toward believing that something will indeed be announced.
TGR Verdict: Somewhat Likely
You Don’t Know Jack Coming to Consoles?
For most people, the name Jellyvision sounds like little more than what happens when your baby sister gets hold of a jar of Smuckers and goes to work on the family TV. But for those with an affinity for hilarious trivia video games, Jellyvision is synonymous with You Don’t Know Jack, the wildly popular 90s PC trivia franchise that made learning fun again. It seems like big news is brewing in Jackland, as cryptic messages on the Jellyvision website are leading us to believe a console version of the game may be in the works.
According to a recent post, Jellyvision is getting ready to pull the plug on their long-running You Don’t Know Jack online game, but yet are set to make a big announcement that will bring the game back to the "masses." What could this possibly mean? The reasonable response is that they are busy working on a PSN or Xbox Live Arcade version.
To get selfish for a moment, this is a rumor I am hoping is true. You Don’t Know Jack has always been one of the most consistently hilarious and enjoyable trivia series ever made, and would be a perfect fit on one of the console download services. We’re at a point now where the latest generation of gamers have likely never experienced the joys of Jellyvision, and that really needs to change. We’ll wait for an official announcement before confirming this one, but if it doesn’t turn out to be true I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get out of bed in the morning anymore.
TGR Verdict: Very Likely