Author: Dan White
Company of Heroes Online Tanks
Last week THQ pulled the rug from underneath players currently in the open beta for Company of Heroes On-line by abruptly saying that the testing…
Interview: David Sushil for Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix and Her Nightmare
While at GDC Online in Austin this year, I had an opportunity to talk with indie game creator, David Sushil (“like Sushi with an L”)…
Toy Soldiers Review
You have to hand it to Signal Studios; they actually found a unique way of presenting World War I combat. While the Army Men and…
Greed Corp Review
All of the recognizable elements of a strategy game are present in Greed Corp: you build structures, train units, and farm resources while viewing the…
KrissX Review
Who doesn’t love word games? OK, some people don’t. Maybe most, actually. But I do, so for me, XBLA’s KrissX (pronounced “Kriss Kross”) offers a…
Assassin’s Creed 2 Review
There had to have been a lion’s den of obstacles to overcome during the development of Assassin’s Creed 2. Like Paris Hilton, the original…