Category: Features
Gaming Convergence
It's not often that I talk about books on here, since the books I read and the games I play don't often mesh well together….
EA’s ‘BattleField 3: AfterMath’ Game Review
It’s been a year since the launch of Battlefield 3, a remarkable game with varied missions in gorgeous environments, featuring a wide range of weapons…
Elder Scrolls Online for PC – First Look
Elder Scrolls Online for PC, the massively multiplayer online (MMO) version of the role-playing game announced by ZeniMax Online Studios promises to be a super…
Gaming At Work Provides The Much Needed Relief From Work Stress
Stress – Reasons and eye-opener Stress has become a catchword for the generation today. There is no one who has not experienced stress or who…
Capcom-Unity Prize Giveaway
Some exciting news from Capcom today! In order to help promote Capcom-Unity, the official community website for the company, Capcom will be giving away a…
CCP Ushers In The Second Decade of EVE Online at Fanfest 2013
The greatest fan event in gaming celebrates ten years with an unmatched community