Category: Features
Top 5 Franchises That Need to Go LEGO
When the LEGO video games first came out it was hard to believe the kind of success they would find, but succeed they did, and…
Review: WipEout HD
Rating Preview Fun Factor 8.0 Graphics 8.5 Sound 7.0 Multiplayer 6.0 Single Player 7.5 Controls 7.0 It may have taken some time and patience from…
Bargain Bin: Epic Edition
Summer is officially over. With Fall here we can expect a whole number of things. The leaves will change, Halloween will come, and most importantly,…
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed walkthrough
Star Wars, Force Unleashed Walkthrough/FAQ Version 1.05, Written by Degausser Table of Contents 1)Legal stuff, about me 2) Basics 2.1) controls 2.2) Combos 2.3) How…
Rumor Killers: Sept. 30
Is Nintendo Planning to Launch a New DS? Every so often a story breaks on a Friday or Saturday that just sets the message boards…
The Good, the Bad, and the Shipping: September 29-October 5
It’s time for another issue of The Good, the Bad, and the Shipping in which we here at TGR give you the jump start on…