Category: Features
The Good, the Bad, and the Shipping: September 29-October 5
It’s time for another issue of The Good, the Bad, and the Shipping in which we here at TGR give you the jump start on…
User Review: Battlefield: Bad Company
It can’t be fun to be cast off and ditched into a less-than-stellar company of soldiers. Who would have fun being part of B Company…
How To Spend Your Day Away from Xbox Live
As you may have already heard, Microsoft has scheduled Xbox Live maintenance on Sept. 29, from 12:01 A.M. to 11:59 P.M. Sure, at first it…
Collector’s Editions or Cash-ins?
It’s not exactly a new trend in gaming to offer the consumer an extra incentive when purchasing software — Nintendo’s ’Club Nintendo’ service offering redeemable…
Rumor Killers: Sept. 26
Is a New Metal Gear Solid Game on the Way? Sometimes you find rumors in interesting places, like this story of a new Metal Gear…
Bargain Bin: Retro Edition
Tired of trading in half of your gaming collection only to find yourself with enough credit for the latest iteration of Barbie Pony Adventure? TGR…