Category: Features


Posted in Another Look Features

Move Over World of Warcraft, WAR is Coming

I had never even heard of Warhammer until just over a year ago. I had never seen the army pieces you could paint up or…

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Posted in Features Rumor Killers

Rumor Killers: August 19

Will the new PlayStation and Xbox hit in 2012? As we coast along the current console hardware generation, attention invariably turns to when the next…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Madden Curse: Fact or Fiction?

The Madden video game franchise has been a fan favorite for 20 years. Because it’s the most popular football game around, being on its cover…

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Posted in Another Look Features

E3 Hands-On: Sing It

Every so often, gaming goes through cycles where certain genres become all the rage. First-person shooters, RPGs, and survival-horror have all had their turn in…

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Posted in Features Inside the Games Rumor Killers

Rumor Killers: August 15th, 2008

Has EA been Fixing Prices on Used Games? One of the weirdest things I notice when perusing the used game section at my local shops…

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Posted in Features Top Ten

Top 5 Gaming Stereotypes that Need to Change

Gaming has crept into all corners of our culture. In Canada, surveys recently found that Mario is more recognizable than their own Prime Minister. Gaming…

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