Category: Features


Posted in Features Inside the Games

Game Lobby: August 4th, 2008

Video games have progressed to the point where they are no longer the sole leisure pursuit of predominately adolescent males. Due to their increasing exposure…

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Posted in Another Look Features

E3 Hands-On: LEGO Batman

It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly made the LEGO Star Wars games such a giant hit. Was it the simple pick-up-and-play mechanics? Perhaps it was…

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Posted in Another Look Features

E3 Hands-On: Dead Space

Dead Space is one of those titles that is slowly and steadily building so much buzz that it’s gone from being little more than a…

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Posted in Another Look Features

E3 Hands-On: HAWX Multiplayer

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to start this preview on a downer, since HAWX’s departure to store shelves has been delayed into the next year….

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Posted in Features Rumor Killers

Rumor Killers: August 1st, 2008

Shenmue 3 in Development? If there are two games that all people agree were out of this world on the Sega Dreamcast, it would be…

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Posted in Another Look Features

E3 Hands-On: Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

“Really? Come on, seriously… really?” If those thoughts were running through your head when Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was first announced, trust us, you…

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