Category: Features
Top 5 PS3 Games That 360 Fanboys Wish They Had
They say the grass is always greener on the other side, and while proponents of the Xbox 360 will always look upon its offerings with…
Demo Impressions: Battlefield: Bad Company
We’ve been following this game for quite a while. Both myself and staff writer Mark Melnychuk got some hands-on time at GDC ’08, and Mark…
Demo Impressions: Civilization Revolution
I am wholly against PC strategy games making their way to consoles via port. The console control schemes do not, and never will, facilitate such…
Motivation by Metacritic: How Low Review Scores can Cost Game Devs Money
Videogame developers are always under immense pressure to deliver on the product they are creating, and despite all the hard work, if a game doesn’t…
Gear Review: Jasman Toys Covenant Plasma Pistol and Plasma Rifle
There are few game franchises that know how to merchandise like Halo. From the Mountain Dew Gamer Fuel that accompanied the Halo 3 launch, to…
Xbox Live: A Broken Retail Shelf
Last week the first chapter of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness, was released onto Xbox Live Arcade, and besides aggravating…