Category: Features
Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 1 Review
In the world of gaming it is hard to find one particular website that can consistently be both funny and informative (TGR notwithstanding of course)….
NBA Ballers: Chosen One Review (PS3)
If NBA Ballers is to be believed, then the life of a superstar is truly something to be envied. Apparently, when they aren’t playing roundball…
Member Review: Mario Kart Wii
10 Second Sniplet: Are you a Mario fan? Of course you are! If you aren’t do you really call yourself a gamer? Mario Kart Wii…
Matt Attwood: EA is Phenomenal
In an interview to be later posted on the site, Senior Manager of Public Relations for Bioware Matt Attwood spoke to about all aspects…
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions walkthrough part 8(the end)
ACCESSORIES Spike Shoes Spiked Boots Feather Boots Winged Boots Sprint Shoes Hermes Shoes Power Wrist Power Gauntlet Magic Gauntlet Magepower Glove Genji Gauntlet Genji Glove…
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of The Lions walkthrough part 7
–MOUNT BERVENIA– From Riovanes Common : Floating Eye, Ahriman, Plague Horror Uncommon : Exploder, Skeleton, Bonesnatch, Skeletal Fiend, Archer Rare : Bomb, Grenade, Cockatrice Very…