Category: Features
Spec Ops: The Line – Life’s A Beach, Then You Die Repeatedly!
“War is hell” and so is war gaming at times. Gone are the days when we just blew stuff up and killed mindlessly without any…
Babel Rising – OMG !
Ever wanted to be a GOD? I bet some of you out there have thought about it at times, especially when that numpty carves you…
SBK Generations – Get Your Leg Over Biker Style
I used to be a big fan of superbike racing or MOTO GP as they call it these days. I recall the days of BARRY…
Bang Bang Racers – The Fun Starts Here!
When I was a kid the best thing to own was a SCALECTRIX racing game. I would spend hours watching my cars spin off on…
Lollipop Chainsaw – A Cut Below The Rest
It’s zombie apocalypse time again folks! LOLLIPOP CHAINSAW by WARNER BROTHERS and GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE is here at last after months of hype, does it blow…
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon : Future Soldier Cranks It Up A Notch!
I have always been a big fan of TOM CLANCY games, especially the GHOST RECON series. They offer more originality than any other of its…