Category: Features
EndWar: A Revolutionary RTS
F.E.A.R is ever growing online community especially with Christmas coming up will get bigger by the day and I have noticed most new people are…
In Case You Missed It: 5 Great Gamecube Games for Under $50 Total
You waited in line for three hours in the blistering cold for your new Wii. You even picked up Twilight Princess and WarioWare to play…
Member Spotlight: Grasty
I’m here talking with a computer enthusiast who loves counterstrike, counterstrike and well, counterstrike. He’s working on his degree while serving as IT Support at…
Xbox 360 Engages in Elite Transfers
Will You Be Trading Up??? When the Xbox 360 Elite was unveiled to the gaming populace, it was met with large amounts of skepticism. While…
MMORPGs… Do you know the love?
MMORPGs… Do you know the love? by Alexmuses As the worlds of MMORPG’s grow, and the players, games, items, adventures, and quests multiply, and the…
Member Spotlight: Nightprey
Member spotlights have been on a hiatus recently; however, we are glad to bring them back. Today we are chatting it up with nightprey791, a…