Category: Features
Fightsticks, Lets Mash It Up Folks!
I love playing fighting games like TEKKEN X STREETFIGHTER, SKULL GIRLS and VIRTUA FIGHTER and all the rest, only I often find playing on-line I…
Mad Riders – A Ride Like It Says On The Box!
As Ozzie Osborne will tell you, riding quad bikes can be dangerous, riding them at outrageous speed and on insane tracks against other riders is…
Rift: Storm Legion Expands Player Options
With Trion’s recent Patch 1.9 and announcement of Rift: Storm Legion, it’s first actual expansion to their very popular MMORPG, we are starting to see…
Sniper Elite V2 – It’s A Bit Hit And Miss
Have you ever wondered what kind of damage a bullet can cause to human body? No? Well me either, but it’s a good way to…
Top Gun Hard Lock – It’s As Dull As The ’80s
It’s the 1980s again; wide shoulder pads, big hair, loads of makeup and that’s just the men! Yes, some of us remember that period of…
Fable Heroes-Hack And Slash Puppet Style
Strange to think that such a diverse game like FABLE should have an off shoot like FABLE HEROES and yet here it is, created by…