Category: Features
The Simpsons Arcade Game
Let us go back to 90's, a time when games were simpler. Well with the release of THE SIMPSONS ARCADE GAME on Xbox Live Arcade©,…
Get A World Of Your Own – A Look At Gaming Headsets
We all know the scenario; you're sitting there totally immersed in the latest shoot 'em up, music cranked up, bullets whizzing past your head, explosions…
Catherine – Not For The Faint Of Heart!
Review of Catherine, an Anime style game that follows protagonist Vincent Brooks as he tries to resolve his involvement in a love triangle. His dream state offers complex puzzle action, while the waking state is spent looking for clues.
PUDDLE – Go With The Flow
Liquid is a strange old substance, don’t you think? When it gets hot it turns into a gas and when it gets cold it turns…
Gaming Wheel Stands – Get Something Solid Between Your Legs !
Right then, you have your latest copy of DIRT 3 or FORZA 4, you have splashed out on a steering wheel, and you're all…
Neverdead – Is Konami Going Out On A Limb With This One?
Imagine if you will that your character in a game could never die. "What would be the point?" you ask? Well, gaming developers REBELLION SOFTWARE…