Category: Features
Rumor Killers: Final Fantasy XIII-2, Gran Turismo 5 & Move, DS 2 Details
Disclaimer: Rumor Killers is a speculative opinion piece and is by no means intended to disclose as fact whether a rumor is true or false…
Bargain Bin: PlayStation Edition
Each and every week, if you pop into N4G, you’re bound at some point to come across some article rumoring the return of backwards compatibility…
Challenging Conventions 10: BioShock 2 does Parenting Better than Heavy Rain
Challenging Conventions is a biweekly column by Jeffrey Matulef that discusses the conventions of games design, whether regards the games that subscribe to these conventions…
From the D-pad to the Duke: My History with Game Controllers
Dave Whitelaw reminisces about the good ol’ times before motion control
Rumor Killers: Dragon Age 2 in 2011, Insomniac Going Multi-platform
Disclaimer: Rumor Killers is a speculative opinion piece and is by no means intended to disclose as fact whether a rumor is true or false…
The Playlist: March 2010
Now that we’ve had a chance to recover from being hit by the Mass Effect, along with all the Heavy Rain we’ve been experiencing lately,…