Category: Features
Spoony Bard 6: Dragon Age’s Better Banter
Dialogue is hard, just ask any game writer. When it comes down to character interaction, the fine line between natural and contrived is one that…
Top Ten FPS Guns
Scott Adams, the man behind the Dilbert series, once said, “I believe everybody in the world should have guns. Citizens should have bazookas and rocket…
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band DLC Review
Sgt Pepper’s was an important LP, a defining albums of the sixties and my personal favorite from the Beatles’ catalog. It serves as a primer,…
Rumor Killers: Co-op and Multiplayer Special & Modern Warfare 2 Spin-off
Disclaimer: Rumor Killers is a speculative opinion piece and is by no means intended to disclose as fact whether a rumor is true or false…
Exclusive! – Games Journalism and the Race Against Quality
In 1981, the first dedicated video game magazines were launched. In 2009, they continue a pattern of decline that has characterized the last several years…
Borderlands Review
Far too many developers have failed at applying Diablo‘s loot-grinding philosophy to a new property. Others have failed at applying this philosophy to an entirely…