Category: Features
The Playlist: November 2009
While it’s not as how-many-games-can-we-physically-stuff-into-a-single-month packed as last year, November 2009 is still a silly kind of busy. There’s five of the year’s biggest releases…
Sam and Max: Beyond Time and Space Review
After a four month hiatus, the seminal gun toting dog and rabbit duo return to Xbox Live Arcade in Telltale Games’ Sam and Max: Beyond…
Rumor Killers: Wii 2 in 2010, New Grand Theft Auto Teased, Batman: Arkham Asylum Sequel
Wii 2 in 2010: It’s something that we all knew was inevitable. Back in 2007 everyone’s favorite industry analyst and rumor monger, Michael Pachter, announced…
NBA Live ’10 Review
EA has been dominating the realm of interactive sports for years because of their commitment to delivering all of the excitement, thrills and suspense of…
Brave: A Warrior’s Tale Review
I loved the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers as a kid. Every day, I fought the rabbit ears on my black and white television to follow…
Editorial: Great Timing for Gay Tony, But Does the Mainstream Care?
During the last couple of weeks, homosexuality has found itself dragged into the media spotlight of the UK. It has been at the heart of…