Category: Features
BITMAPS 95: Borderlands Launch Event
Today’s BITMAPS will chronicle the Borderlands launch party thrown by Gearbox Software at the Granada Theater in Dallas on October 17, 2009 – in photographic…
Interview: Twisted Pixel CEO Michael Wilford
TGR’s Gerren Fisher was recently lucky enough to meet up with Michael Wilford, Twisted Pixel CEO. Michael was showing off Xbox Live Arcade hit ’Splosion Man at the…
Editorial: Watching Someone Else Play
The older I get, the more malleable my definition of ‘gaming’ becomes. When I was young, I had a whole heap of time and not…
Games on TV: In the Wake of Gameswipe
Besides obviously being a social menace and devourer of souls, television has always acted as a kind of cultural barometer, its broadcasts mirroring the trends…
Rumor Killers: Mass Effect 2 on PS3, Modern Warfare 2 Delayed ‘Til Xmas
Mass Effect 2 on PlayStation 3? The whole Mass Effect 2 on PS3 debacle reminds of last year’s Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360…
Spoony Bard: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Halo
In my last column, I briefly mentioned that Halo was a good example of a game that impressively managed to bring plot to the traditionally…