Category: Features
The Renaissance of the Stealth Game
The recent demo of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker gives players a glimpse at a game that’s staggeringly well presented, exquisitely crafted and undeniably compelling….
Rumor Killers: PSP Special
With the PSP Go’s distinctly anticlimactic release, there have been many rumors floating around regards the direction of Sony’s troubled handheld wonder. So for this…
The Playlist: October 2009
October is the time for transition between summer and winter, which essentially makes October a seasonal mutant. Fitting then that Halloween lurks at its end,…
Darkest of Days Video Game Review
Rating Preview Fun Factor 4.0 Visuals 4.0 Sound 3.5 Single Player 4.0 Controls 4.0 0.0 Darkest of Days is flat out offensive. This isn’t…
BITMAPS 94: Redundant Tutorials: Stop Telling Me How to Jump!
"What the hell is with these notes?" I asked to everyone in the room, my hands flailing away at my plastic axe. It was not…
The Greatest Story Not Told
Imagine, if you will you’ll, that you’re looking at someone standing in an empty cave the size of a stadium, fighting a creature a hundred…