Category: Features


Posted in Another Look Features

Making Exploration and Storytelling Compatible

Playing through Batman: Arkham Asylum, I realized that while I loved hunting down all the hidden collectibles and solving the wealth of Riddler challenges, it…

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Posted in Another Look Features

How Capcom’s Springtime Strategy Has Led the Way

Where have all the Christmas games gone? They’ve all hopped off to enjoy the lucrative springtime calendar. Whilst gamers everywhere are left salivating for 2009’s…

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Posted in Features Top Ten

Ten Best Controller Innovations Since the Atari 2600

Interactivity: without it, video games would be little more than mediocre tech demos (or movies, Shirley – Ed). Which is why console designers have been…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Editorial: Embrace the Glitch

There must be few video games released with glitches left in intentionally. Last year’s Mega Man 9, for example, was full of the blighters. To…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Defence of the Ancients: A New Genre?

Have you played Defence of the Ancients? As the mod phenomenon for Blizzard’s classic strategy game Warcraft III continues to gain momentum, it’s clear that…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Spoony Bard 2: Action Games – Lose The Token Plot

The games industry seems to assume that the implied agency that comes from choosing dialogue options makes for a stronger narrative. Let me rephrase that:…

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