Category: Features
Dreamcast Retrospective: Ten Years On
The brief romances are often the most memorable; a first kiss, that college crush, and for many gamers, the first time they played the Sega…
World of Warcraft by the Numbers
A World of Warcraft player loves few things in this world more than numbers. Stats, gold, achievements, and phat stacks of loot: numbers drive serotonin…
Rumor Killers: Wii Price Cut, New Suikoden, Frank West in Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Wii Price Cut Imminent? It’s getting to that slightly crazy time of year when what feels like hundreds of quality games arrive to tempt…
BITMAPS 93: Beatles vs Guitar Hero 5 – Fight!
Austin is a strange city – a slogan and imperative proudly displayed on the back of many t-shirts there. The burg seems hell-bent on quirky…
Editorial: A World Beyond the Unreal
See that above? Beautiful, isn’t it? It might be hard to believe, but that screenshot was taken from a video game that’s almost a decade…
10 Most Disappointing Add-ons for Games
Mike Bell offers his personal take on the add-ons that have turned him off. Knothole Island (Fable II) Any expansion to the game that rules…