Category: Features


Posted in Another Look Features Videos

Video Games Through the Beer Glass20

There are few things as classy as a good drink, or at least that’s what I’ve been told by countless hours of advertising and product…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Spoony Bard 1: There’s No Such Thing as Nonlinear Narrative

Spoony Bard will be an offshoot of what interests me most in game design: the writing. Whether it be good or ghastly, hilarious or unintentionally…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Editorial: Digital Killed the Retail Star

As the trains winged me north towards my ancestral Scotland, while Bloc Party provided the soundtrack to a seven-hour journey which I only make two…

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Posted in Features The Playlist

The Playlist: September 2009

Good start-of-the-month, y’all. I imagine you’ve been lying awake at night wondering just what digital delights await you this month. Well, we here at TGR are…

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Posted in Features Rumor Killers

Rumor Killers: FFXIII DLC, PS3 Slim Bundles, 250gb 360 bundle

Final Fantasy XIII DLC? It may not even be completed yet, but Square Enix is already discussing the possibilities of additional DLC (downloadable content) being…

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Posted in BITMAPS Features

BITMAPS 92: Fuel for Thought

Like high-top sneakers, savings accounts, and waving-your-hands-in-the-air-like-you-just-don’t-care, accomplishing monumental works just for the hell of it has gone out of style. Sure, some crazy guy…

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