Category: Features
TGR’s 50 Best Games of the Decade
It’s taken a lot of discussion… okay, bickering between the TGR staff, but we’ve finally been able to agree on our pick for the fifty…
Rumor Killers: Starcraft 2 LAN, Pay to Play 1 vs 100, Fresnadillo for BioShock Movie
Starcraft 2 LAN support? Earlier in the year, Blizzard’s vice president of game design managed to seriously annoy Starcraft‘s legion of fans by announcing…
BITMAPS 91: In Defense of Whores
Few things send gamers into Pavlovian drooling like the *ba-dink* of an unlocked achievement. In an attempt to conduct a grand social experiment, I set…
Retrodotal: Cloud’s Disturbing Crossdressing Adventure
Jennifer takes us back to the winter of 1997, when a certain Japanese role-playing game took her into an adventure that included titanic bosses, golden…
Top 10 Science Experiments Gone Wrong
Scientific experimentation has brought us revolutionary technology like penicillin, airplanes and nuclear power. In the realm of video games, however, messing around in the lab…
Tales of Monkey Island: The Siege of Spinner Cay Video Game Review
When last we left our hero, Guybrush Threepwood, an unseen assailant held him at sword point. After a brief recap from the Voodoo Lady, Telltale…