Category: Features
Editorial: Gaming in the Arthouse
Are games art? Art games are? Gavin takes some time out in the arthouse to investigate. What makes a video game what it is? What…
BITMAPS 89: Get With The Times!
Gamers are uncommonly attached to the past, a trend that has manifested in kitchy merchandise and rumors that refuse to die. While I can’t pass…
Motion Control and Disability
In this week’s feature piece, Jennifer Allen discusses whether there’s room for the physically disabled in the new world of motion-control gaming, an issue that’s…
Rumor Killers: Epic Mickey, PS3 Slim at GamesCom, Gearbox working on Halo
A steampunk Disney game? PS3 Slim announcement at GamesCom? Halo 4 from the Borderlands team? Adam Standing brings another edition of the rumor reality-check known…
Borderlands inspired by Diablo, Nethack
Image courtesy of Few things can get a gamer’s mouth salivating like a fat, laden, glimmering treasure chest full of loot. Gamers have happily…
BITMAPS 88: Nintendo’s Real Revolution
The anticipation had filled the night air with magic. I’d invited a few friends over because this was going to be an event too big…