Category: Features


Posted in Reviews Very British Gamer

Fallout 3: Point Lookout Video Game Review

Fallout 3: Point Lookout takes place in the titular sleepy resort town which, while not directly targeted by the nuclear bombs, suffered in a less…

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Posted in Features Interviews

TGR Interviews David Sobolov

David Sobolov is a voice actor who transitioned from work in cartoons to providing voice acting for the video game industry. He’s starred in blockbuster games…

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Posted in Rumor Killers

In Defense of the Pre-rendered Cut Scene

In this week’s feature piece Jeffrey Matulef asks why the industry has been so quick to demote pre-rendered cut scenes to the status of taboo….

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Posted in BITMAPS Features

BITMAPS 84: Wii Fit vs EA Sports Active: Fight!

I’m rather pissed that exercise-based games have only just reached prominence. Had these been around in my youth, convincing my parents to get me a…

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Posted in Another Look Features

Editorial: The PS3 Slim is Inevitable

In this week’s editorial James Bishop argues that history, logic, and plain common sense suggests, nay, states that that the PS3 Slim is a dead…

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Posted in Features The Playlist

The Playlist: July 2009

Our mission at TGR has always been not only to give you – the reader – upfront information, but to keep that information up-to-date, so…

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