Category: Features
Rumor Killers: LotRO for 360? Kojima Working on New Metal Gear? PS3 Redesign at E3?
Lord of the Rings Online for Xbox 360? Due to a very recent online survey, the internet rumor mill has begun to churn. The survey…
Telltale Games Interview, Part 2
Any gamer that’s pointed, clicked, and adventured for more than two minutes in their lives has experienced the fun-crushing frustration of getting stuck. Given that…
Star Fox in Dire Need of a Reboot
The Star Fox series garners numerous fond memories for gamers old enough to have taken an Arwing for a spin during the SNES years. First…
VBG: Morris Dancing Rearmed
A very good friend of mine recently launched a blog offering twice weekly psychogeographical anecdotes on our famous home of London Town. An excellent blog…
BITMAPS 77: The PC Gaming Market’s Rebirth
I’d always regarded the “You always get what you want the moment you stop needing it” proverb like an investment banker being offered a quarter…
VBG: Sackboy’s World Domination
Everyone has one game that’s their guilty vice; it’s a game that doesn’t deserve the hours upon hours that are plunged into it, a fact…