Category: Features
BRP Co-op Mode 1: Residential Evil 5
GameOn: Big Red Potion is a new weekly podcast brought to you by TGR. Join Sinan Kubba, Joe DeLia and their two guests every Monday…
TGR Editorial: God of War 3 has Resident Evil 5 Syndrome
Listen: I know you’re getting all excited about God of War 3, but give me a moment to explain, and I think you’ll see reason….
Do AAA X360 Games Lack Originality? Part One
It’s amazing to think that the Xbox 360 has nearly reached three-and-a-half-years in age. Well, very few individual Xbox 360 consoles have actually reached…
PS3 Price Cuts: Why Sony Can’t Afford Not To
Three months ago, a funny “buzzing” noise began in the darkest corners of the internet. Two weeks ago, it grew to a “murmur,” then a…
Rumor Killers: Fable MMO, Crysis 2 on consoles, LOTRO to 360
First off would like to say a big thank you to everyone that’s helped make Rumor Killers a big success. Without you guys, we…
Daily News Roundup: April 3, 2009
Today at TGR… PS3 Price Cuts: Why Sony Can’t Afford Not To The PS2 price was cut the other day, and many people are…