Category: Features
BITMAPS 72: Your Ticket to GDC 2009
As said previously, there are certain columnist cheats and gimmicks to which I will never stoop. Such trickery is the last resort of the desperate,…
Daily News Roundup: March 30, 2009
Today on TGR… Resident Evil Changed for the Worse Stew Shearer explains why Resident Evil 5 doesn’t belong in the Resident Evil franchise. Is this…
GDC 09: Hideo Kojma’s keynote speech
Hideo Kojima was very upfront about his keynote speech. “I’m not going to give out any presents,” he said, referring to Nintendo’s gift of…
Big Red Potion: Episode 8: Phoenix Down, over
GameOn: Big Red Potion is a new weekly podcast brought to you by TGR. Join Sinan Kubba, Joe DeLia and their two guests every Monday…
The Good, The Bad, and The Shipping March 29 – April 5
Nintendo DS Backyard Baseball ’10 Don King Boxing Fashion Studio: Paris Collecticon Gardening Mama Imagine: Family Doctor My Dress Up My Secret Diary Pet Vet:…
Microsoft Wouldn’t Be Microsoft Without…
In the video game world, competition never ceases, and to remain a contender, each console manufacturer needs to maintain an identity among consumers and offer…