Tag: 2007
Review: Project Gotham Racing 4
Rating Preview Fun Factor 8.0 Graphics 9.0 Sound 8.6 Multiplayer 8.5 Single Player 9.2 Controls 0.1 The Good: Stunning environments and rain effects, great control,…
Blue Dragon is worth the time spent on it!
Slow start. The characters need time to grow and the battles are a little boring in the beginning. As the game evolves and your little tykes…
Hollywood is About to Ruin Your Favorite Video Game
Let’s face it; film adaptations of video games are generally terrible. Hollywood has a long reputation of turning excellent video games into mediocre to horrible…
Halo 3 Easter Egg – Chiefs not Here Man
While playing Halo3 campaign a bit this evening, I came across an Easter Egg during the mission to secure the perimeter and clear the hangar. The…
Fallout 3 Previewed
With the forced change over of development from Black Isles to Bethesda, a lot of people have been worried about whether the spirit of the…
Blazing Angels II Secret Missions of WWII
Rating Preview Fun Factor 7.0 Graphics 6.7 Sound 6.9 Multiplayer 7.8 Single Player 7.3 Controls 0.1 Positive: Easy enough to pick up and play, arcade-like…